Friday, June 7, 2013

Litany for the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart

Poem by Gertrud von Le Fort

For the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart

Your voice speaks:
Now I will pray the ardour of the soul as a great litany is prayed. 
 Now I will raise the song of praise that is not sung but loved. 
 Blood-red secret of all that is:
Holy Heart, divine Heart, almighty Heart.
Be loved, Love, eternal Love, be thou eternally loved.

Hearth in the dark of the frozen world,
Be loved, Love!
Flame-shadow over all the false brightness of the world,
Be loved, Love!
Burning sign in all the false rest of the world;
Lonely Heart, flaming Heart, unquenchable Heart:
Be loved, everlasting Love.

Heart deep as the nights that have no face:
Be loved!
Heart strong as the waves that have no shores:
Be loved!
Heart tender as little children that have no bitterness:
Be everlastingly loved!

Rose from the flower-beds of the invisible,
Rose from the chalice of the humble maiden,
Blossoming rose-bush, in which heaven and earth are entwined,
Be loved, everlasting Love!

Royal Heart in the flowing mantle of Thy blood:
Be loved!
Brother-Heart in the wild mockery of the thorny crown:
Be loved!
Breaking Heart in the stark ornament of Thy death wounds:
Heart dethroned, Heart betrayed, Heart cruelly martyred:
Be loved, everlasting Love, be everlastingly loved.

Heart before whom the mighty find their knees,
We ask Thee for Thy love.
Heart before whom the careless find their tears:
We ask Thee for Thy love.
Herat in whom thieves and murderers yet find forgiveness,
Great Heart, Heart of mercy, Heart of glory, 
We ask Thee for Thy love!

Red-thorn of our gladness,
Sorrow-thorn of our repentance,
Fair evening glow of our own setting,
We ask Thee for Thy love.

Crimson cloth that turns sin pale as death:
We ask Thee for Thy love.
Ruby stream after which the sick souls thirst:
We ask Thee for Thy love.
Whispering nearness in which parted friends may meet:
We ask Thee for Thy love.

Comforting lamp of the distressed,
Lighthouse of the persecuted and the disgraced,
Hidden chamber in which the gentle dead may yet breathe;
All-knowing Heart, all-guiding Heart, ultimate Heart:
We ask Thee for Thy love!

Heart that takes us all to itself,
Heart that strikes the center of all our hearts,
Heart that breaks the proud hearts of us all:
We ask Thee for Thy love.

Heart that makes solitude into a great people:
We ask Thee for Thy Love.
Heart that makes discord into a united people:
We ask Thee for Thy love.
Heart in which the whole world becomes Thy people:
We consecrate ourselves to Thy love.
Overflowing Heart, overflaming Heart, overstorming Heart:
Be loved, Love, everlasting Love, be everlastingly loved.

That Thy Dawn may break with kindling light,
We consecrate ourselves to Thy love.
That Thy day may bring fire to our hearts,
We consecrate ourselves to Thy love.
That Thy day may burn all our hearts into Thine,
We consecrate ourselves to Thy love,
Mighty Heart, ineluctable Heart, all-consuming Heart.

Fire! Fire! The angels' wings are burning, the swords of the seraphim are aflame!
The lights of heaven are burning, the depths of earth are burning rocks and yesterdays are all aflame!
The expectation of all creatures burns – the spirit burns in the darkness of high thought.
All has been taken from love, all must become love; sing "Holy, Holy, Holy!" rustling flames of the Seraphim!
Heart from which the heavens draw their glory,
Heart from which suns and constellations draw their beginning and their end,
Heart from which the souls of the blessed draw their blessedness.
World-ordering Heart, world-conquering Heart, Thou only Heart of hearts:
Amen. Amen. May the day of Thine infinite love come quickly.

While the traditional Litany of the Sacred  Heart contains beautiful imagery, this poem also offers enchanting meditations on the "Heart which has so loved men."
Doctrine: Sacred Heart
Use: If the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart (Friday after the Second Sunday after Pentecost) falls after school ends, which it often does, Valentine's Day may provide another opportunity to teach students about the greatest love story.

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